Ace Dolphin Swim School

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7 Techniques for Improving Your Swimming Breathing

Swimming is such an enjoyable and exciting type of activity. But learning to breathe the correct way while swimming is not easy; at least not straightforward. These seven methods will help you how to breathe correctly while swimming – tips from Swimming Instructors Singapore Depending on the intensity of the training and your characteristics, swimming can be intense, exhausting, and even dangerous.

1. Rhythmic Breathing

Conventional breathing techniques refer to the practice of establishing a pattern for when one is supposed to take breaths. These Swimming Instructors Singapore used the technique to assist the swimmer in using less energy while maintaining steadiness and consistency in the stroke. Swim synchronization is the technique in which when you swim and breathe at the same pace, you are likely to swim longer distances without ending up exhausted.

2. Bilateral Breathing

Bilateral breathing refers to the movement of breathing alternately on the right and left sides during swimming. This technique is effective in making sure that each body part of your body has its share of effort to assist in maintaining the body in an aligned position when in water. It also avoids negative effects related to muscle imbalances and it could also make the swimmer more versatile when it comes to different conditions of water.

3. Bubble, Bubble, Breathe

One effective but low radical technique for practicing is the so-called “bubble, bubble, breathe”. When swimming, a person must breathe rhythmically blowing bubbles through the nasal passage while the mouth is open to breathe deeply. This rhythm is also helpful in indicating how many minutes to go before drinking water again

4. Exhalation Control

They can only teach you how to control your breathing and make your exhalation more effective. Such is the case, you will prefer not to hold your breath as the practices involve blowing and blowing continuously under the water. This aids in avoiding the accumulation of carbon dioxide to a point where one could feel out of breath.

5. Head Position

More important than this is to maintain proper head position so that necessary breathing is not hindered. For fresh air, the Swimming Instructors Singapore agree on keeping your head still with a very slight angle up to facilitate breathing without lifting your head from the water. It also avoids increasing the amount of drag your body generates and keeps it as streamlined as possible.

6. Nose and Mouth Coordination

Most swimmers breathe through their mouths and this can be a very big problem that can be solved by learning how to breathe with your nose and mouth at the right time. Take a deep breath out through your nose and take another big breath in through your mouth in one sweeping motion. Acquired habit, will assist the body in keeping water out of the lungs and make breathing proficient.

7. Drill Practices

Yes indeed it can, and that is why it is important to include breathing drills in your practice sessions. Even exercises that otherwise may seem trivial, such as side-kick drills, where the swimmer is to kick on the side with the focus on breathing, can prove beneficial for the swimmer’s breathing ability as well as general performance.


Swimming breathing becomes better and refined after some time; thus, it will require time if you must improve on it. Meaning by including these seven methods in this process you’ll discover that swimming is comfortable for you and more efficient. Swimming has gained much popularity among individuals whether learners or advanced learners and here are tips that have been recommended by Swimming Instructors Singapore that will improve the activity.

For more information and how to get professional training from the academy, feel free to contact ACE DOLPHIN SWIM SCHOOL. They have good products, services, and an excellent focus on teaching each customer swimming lessons, and mastering skills needed when swimming. Swimming is made enjoyable with their professional Swimming Instructors Singapore who are also there to help you enhance with effective strategies.